Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Good morning beautiful bedroom!

I have fallen in love with the classic cast iron bed frame and ours arrives tomorrow!

I never realised how expensive antique bed frames are so they were out straight away! So then we looked in all of the usual places. We found a wicker style one in IKEA which we liked but then went off!

So, one day when I was browsing the adverts in the back of home magazines in Tesco I came across an advert for a company in Norfolk which specialised in Wrought Iron Beds. (We`d just got back off holiday from there too!) Norfolk wrought iron beds
We decided that we we loved the Grace the most and so started to dream about having that bed!

After falling in love with the bed, but not the price, one day Ste came home from work and explained that he'd been on the internet looking for a better deal. He`d found wrought iron bed frame on the Dreams website. At first I was skeptical but we took a look on the website and then went straight to the shop that night and bought it and a lovely new mattress with a memory foam top!

So here is our bed! This isn't our bedding and so I think it will look a lot nicer once we`ve got it in the room with the lovely wooden floor and our bedding!

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